Monday, March 31, 2014

Communities in Motion: Why Do You Care? Part X

This is my tenth installment in the series of blogs about why people care, or should care, about long-range transportation planning in general and Communities in Motion in particular.

But, before I get to this quarter’s list, I want to remind you that the draft Communities in Motion 2040 plan is open for public comment through Sunday, April 27, 2014. Please show you care by taking a few minutes to review the materials and submit your comments. Learn more at

Below is the latest list of why people care about Communities in Motion 2040, as submitted by you:

  • Where would we be if we didn’t do this? COMPASS is a leadership/planning group that does a lot of good.
  • Transportation is taken for granted – it’s there because people before us cared, so we should care now for the next generation.
  • Transportation influences the economy, quality of life, and how communities look.
  • It’s all about the money…
  • Transportation supports population and economic growth.
  • We need to anticipate future needs – we need to make the best use of future scarce resources.
  • Transportation is a driving force behind the economy and quality of life.
  • We need to plan so people can keep living here.

To share why you think Communities in Motion 2040 is important and why people should get involved ― why you care ― email and we’ll post your ideas here. We only have two installments left – contribute now to make sure your ideas make the list!

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Big Finish

In November 2011 I wrote my first blog about Communities in Motion 2040.  Since then, I’ve blogged about the youth art and video contests, Communities in Motion 2040 Vision, “Your Treasure Valley Future” photo challenge, why you should care about long-range planning, and more…all related to Communities in Motion 2040.

After more than two years of blogging about the progress of the plan and ways for you to be involved, the finish line is in sight. The full draft of Communities in Motion 2040 is open for public comment – YOUR comment – through Sunday, April 27, 2014.

Please take a few minutes to review the draft plan, then submit your comments. Pay particular attention to these issues: 
  • The plan includes 17 goals addressing eight planning elements. Do you agree with these overall goals? 

  • The transportation needs outlined in the plan are based on future growth as depicted in the Communities in Motion 2040 Vision. Do you agree with this overall vision for the future of the valley? 
  • The goals and Communities in Motion 2040 Vision have little meaning if we can’t tell if we are making progress toward meeting them. COMPASS has developed performance measures to track progress. Do you agree with the performance measures that were chosen? How do you think COMPASS should use those measures? 
  • Financial projections indicate that there will not be enough revenue in the future to maintain our current transportation system, much less expand it to meet a growing population. Therefore, the COMPASS Board of Directors has chosen to focus all federal transportation funding allocated via Communities in Motion 2040 toward maintenance. Do you agree with this decision? 
  • We need to know what our future priorities are to be ready should additional funding become available. The plan lists 33 prioritized transportation priorities and corridors based on needs to keep up with forecasted growth. Do you agree with this list?
Go online to review materials, comment, and learn about other ways to be involved:

After the public comment period ends on Sunday, April 27, 2014, we’ll provide all of your comments to the Communities in Motion 2040 Planning and Leadership Teams and the COMPASS Board. They will consider your comments and address any necessary changes before considering the plan for adoption.

The Board is expected to adopt the plan in July. Thank you for your hard work and patience as we’ve moved through this process, and for helping us to be ready for the big finish.

Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho

COMPASS is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization responsible for transportation planning in Ada and Canyon Counties. The COMPASS Board comprises 39 members representing the cities, counties, highway districts, educational institutions, state agencies, and other entities within the two counties. COMPASS plays an important role in making decisions about future long-range transportation needs in the Treasure Valley, taking into consideration environmental and economic factors that affect the quality of life.