Joel Feldman experienced that heartbreak in 2009, when
his daughter Casey was killed by a distracted driver. Since that time, Mr.
Feldman’s has dedicated himself to raising awareness about the dangers of
distracted driving. He is the creator of EndDD.org, “End
Distracted Driving,” and has developed science-based distracted driving
presentations as well as other resources used by businesses, schools, and
community groups in educational initiatives.
You can be part of the
- Set your phone to “do not disturb” so you are not tempted to answer it
- Select your music before you leave home – don’t try to find a new radio channel or change a CD while you are driving
- Put down that sandwich – you can eat when you arrive
- Get up five minutes earlier, so you are ready when you leave the house – no putting on mascara or last-minute shaving in the driver’s seat
- Attend a presentation by Joel Feldman on September 9 to hear his message and learn more actions you can take a to save a life
- Take your commitment one step further — become a speaker to help share the message of how to end distracted driving by participating in a speaker training workshop on September 10
The presentation and
workshop are being presented as part of COMPASS’ 2019 education series, with
assistance from the Idaho Transportation Department’s Office of Highway Safety.
Find the details and RSVP here: www.compassidaho.org/comm/publicevents_2019_ed_series.html
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