Thursday, July 3, 2014

Communities in Motion: Why Do You Care? Part XI

The process of developing Communities in Motion 2040 is drawing to a close. We collected public comments on the draft plan from March 3 – April 27, and received 114 comments during that time.

Thank you to everyone who submitted comments, participated in a discussion group, attended an in-person or virtual open house, or just took the time to look at the materials and become familiar with what the plan is all about. If you’d like to read the comments we received, visit

This is my eleventh, and second-to-the-last, installment in my series of blogs about why people care, or should care, about long-range transportation planning in general and Communities in Motion in particular. I’ll publish my final installment the first week of October. At that point, Communities in Motion 2040 will have been adopted and we’ll be moving into the implementation phase of the plan. We’ll also already be looking forward to the next update to the plan, Communities in Motion 2045.

But, before we get to that, I present to you the latest list of why people should care about Communities in Motion 2040, as submitted by you: 
  • It’s about down-stream effects – this is our shot at setting aside/preserving corridors for future.
  • People should be interested in future needs and use of scarce resources, whether it’s transportation, housing, health etc.
  • We should care about our transportation options as/when we get older.
  • If we can’t afford to do it today, how will we be able to afford to do it tomorrow? We have to find a way to fund our transportation infrastructure!
  • Because sitting in traffic sucks!
  • Transportation makes the world go round…
  • Efficient transportation is GREENER!

This is your last chance to share why you think Communities in Motion 2040 is important and why people should get involved ― why you care. To add your thoughts to the conversation, email and we’ll post your ideas here. Watch for the last installment of the list in October!

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Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho

COMPASS is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization responsible for transportation planning in Ada and Canyon Counties. The COMPASS Board comprises 39 members representing the cities, counties, highway districts, educational institutions, state agencies, and other entities within the two counties. COMPASS plays an important role in making decisions about future long-range transportation needs in the Treasure Valley, taking into consideration environmental and economic factors that affect the quality of life.