humans are self-centered by nature. Despite our best intentions to the
contrary, we tend to care the most about those things that directly impact us.
is reflected in our transportation planning – efforts typically focus on planning
for a transportation system to move people. However, moving people isn’t
the only role of our transportation system. Transporting freight – moving goods
– is vital as well.

is one of the four transportation components that will be addressed in Communities in Motion 2040 2.0 (CIM 2040 2.0), the
next long-range transportation plan for Ada and Canyon Counties. Much has been
done already to kick start this effort. I’m excited to share some of this
progress with you:
- 2015 Agricultural Freight Study: This study provides an overview of regional and local agricultural freight movement in and around Ada and Canyon Counties. In addition to providing valuable data, the study helped COMPASS cultivate relationships with freight producers and increase our understanding of overall freight issues. Both of these will lay the groundwork for future freight planning.
- Freight data collection: In late 2015, COMPASS collected data on traffic volume and types of vehicles – classified by number of axels – at over 70 locations in the two counties. These data will feed into the freight component of CIM 2040 2.0.
- Freight Advisory Workgroup: A Freight Advisory Workgroup has been formed to advise and provide input on freight-related issues and needs, and to help integrate freight into our long-range transportation planning.
- The Masters of Public Administration Capstone Class at the Boise State University School of Public Service conducted a Treasure Valley Freight Policy Study on behalf of COMPASS to assess the barriers and opportunities concerning freight transportation within the Treasure Valley.
progress we’ve already made toward freight planning is just one example of the
work we’re doing behind the scenes to ensure the Treasure Valley is ready for
the future. We’re doing similar work on all four transportation components – bicycle/pedestrian, public transportation, and roadways, in addition to freight.
future blogs, watch for “snapshots” of each of the four components of CIM 2040
2.0. Want to learn even more? Our 2016 education series will focus on these
components as well – plan now to attend!