Tuesday, December 20, 2016

How do you define leadership?

Yesterday I had the honor of helping to present our 8th annual COMPASS Leadership in Motion awards. It is always one of the highlights of my year.

As I prepared for the awards presentation, I started contemplating how we measure, or define, “leadership.” I looked online for definitions and synonyms for “leader” and “leadership,” but then realized the real definitions were right in front of me.

As I read through the nominations for this year’s recipients, I started to notice that the same terms and ideals kept popping up again and again, across all nominations in all categories. Those who submitted the nominations defined “leadership” better than my online search ever could:

These are the qualities found in our 2016 COMPASS Leadership in Motion award recipients:
  • Visionary
  • Responsive
  • Collaborative
  • Forward-thinking
  • Proactive
  • Innovative
  • Honorable
  • Inclusive
  • Open-minded
  • Leads by example
These are the qualities found in our 2016 COMPASS Leadership in Motion award recipients:

Leadership in Government
      ·       Broadway Bridge, Idaho Transportation Department

Leadership by Example, Business
·         The Riverside Hotel, Lynda Johnson

Leadership by Example, Elected Official
·         Mayor Garret Nancolas, City of Caldwell

Leadership in Practice, Professional
     ·         Jeff Barnes, City of Nampa 

Want to learn more about this year’s recipients? You can find descriptions of each of their accomplishments online at www.compassidaho.org/comm/lim-awards.htm. I hope you will be as inspired to live up to the ideals of leadership as portrayed by this year’s recipients as I am.

Congratulations to our 2016 Leadership in Motion recipients!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

How much does your home really cost?

As I discussed in my November 17 post, I am starting a series of quarterly blogs discussing trends and key data from the 2016 Change in Motion Report. This is the first in that series.

Did you know that homes near jobs, shopping, and downtown areas tend to be more expensive, but lower transportation costs can at least partially offset higher mortgage and rental rates? Similarly, homes in the suburbs are usually more affordable, but are further from jobs and other amenities, so more of a person’s income is spent on transportation to get to and from work, school, and shopping.

Nationally, housing and transportation costs combined take up more than half of the average household’s budget; however, most home buyers and lenders only look at housing costs when deciding what they can afford.

Communities in Motion 2040 sets goals for the cost of housing (alone) as percentage of household budget (housing affordability index) and housing and transportation (combined) as a percentage of household budget (location affordability index).

The maps to the right show what a significant difference the addition of transportation to housing costs can make. The green areas are the most affordable and the red areas are the least. As you can see, when looking at housing alone (right), much of the valley is green, yellow, or light orange – on the more affordable side of the spectrum. However, when you look at housing plus transportation (below), you’ll see virtually no green or yellow and significantly more red and dark orange as compared to housing alone.

Our 2016 Change in Motion Report compares housing and location affordability index data for 2013 and 2015 to 2040 goals. While two data points do not constitute a trend, we do see some interesting results.

For housing alone (housing affordability index), we appear to be on track. In both 2013 and 2015, housing accounted for an average of 27.8% of household budgets in the two counties. The goal is to remain under 28%.

However, for housing plus transportation (location affordability index), we appear to be slipping. The 2040 goal is for the two expenses combined to take up less than 50% of the household budget. In 2013, the region averaged 49.1%, but by 2015, this had increased to 53.3% -- not only moving in the wrong direction, but exceeding the goal of less than 50%.
So….why does this matter?

First, we must remember that we are only looking at a change between 2013 and 2015; as I said above, two data points do not constitute a trend. We will continue to monitor the data to determine if location affordability is truly decreasing in the Treasure Valley.

Regardless of the trend, why are we monitoring housing and location affordability in the first place? First, they impact our transportation system. When people live far from their jobs, it increases the pressure on our transportation system. Second, it affects the quality of life of our residents. Higher housing costs mean less discretionary income, and longer commute times mean less time with family. By monitoring these types of trends, we can make decisions to ensure we retain the high quality of life the Treasure Valley is known for.

In the end, isn’t that what long-range planning is all about?

Monday, November 21, 2016

What I’m thankful for

In this busy time of the year, we focus our energies on preparing for the holidays – shopping, cooking, cleaning, and more. In the rush to prepare a Thanksgiving dinner, then to move on to Christmas, we tend to forget about why we are celebrating Thanksgiving in the first place.

I have made an effort to reverse this trend and have taken the time to reflect on what I am thankful for.

While I’m incredibly thankful for many things in my personal life – most notably my family and friends – today I’m writing about what I’m thankful for as the Executive Director of COMPASS.

I am thankful for…

State and Federal Legislation. The Idaho Legislature and Congress stepped up over the past two years to provide additional state transportation funding and a long-term federal transportation bill. While I continue to push for additional funding – our needs still greatly surpass our revenues – I am thankful for what we did get and recognize the amount of compromise and effort it took to get there.

One Less Unfunded Project. In Communities in Motion 2040 we list 33 unfunded priority corridors and projects. In June 2016 we were able to reduce that list by one! Project #23 – Interstate 84/State Highway 55/Midland Boulevard – was funded by the Idaho Transportation Department and the City of Nampa.

New Programs. We’ve made some exciting changes this past year to help serve our members. Through our new Project Development Program and focusing a staff position specifically on assisting member agencies in finding and applying for grant funding, we are helping projects around the region move from great ideas to solid accomplishments like we never have before.

New Members. Golden Gate Highway District and the Cities of Melba and Notus joined COMPASS just last month. We’re excited to have them on board and look forward to their perspectives on continuing to make the Treasure Valley a great place to live.

All Members. Membership in COMPASS demonstrates a long-term investment in the region. Thank you all for your continued efforts – your time, expertise, support, and regional vision.

The COMPASS Board of Directors. I can’t say enough about the leadership and dedication of our Board of Directors. Your ongoing commitment to the future of our valley inspires me on a daily basis.

COMPASS Staff. While our members provide the leadership and policy direction for COMPASS, none of what we do could be accomplished without our amazing staff. I have the honor of working with a group of professionals who are smart, dedicated, and willing to go the extra mile. Thank you for all you do.

I wish you all a safe, happy, and thankful Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Are we moving the needle?

I often write about plans we are developing or on-the-ground projects that are implementing those plans. We celebrate accomplishments with ribbon cuttings, our Leadership in Motion awards, and more. We even celebrate maintenance! (Check out our Maintenance Matters! video, if you haven’t already!)

But, frequently missing from these conversations is a discussion of how – or if -- these
accomplishments are helping us reach regional goals. Are we actually “moving the needle”?

To answer this question, we track our progress toward meeting regional goals. Through Communities in Motion, we established regional targets for the year 2040, for everything from number of bike crashes to congested miles of interstate to acres of parks. By comparing current data to baseline conditions and 2040 targets, we track trends to see if the region is moving in the right direction.

This information is all reported in performance monitoring (“Change in Motion”) reports. However, we recognize that, especially in today’s culture of fast-paced news tidbits, very few people take the time to read reports.

So, we are finding new ways to share this information with you. Be watching for…
  • A compilation of all these weekly posts on our web site
  • Quarterly posts in this blog to provide a broader discussion of key trends
  • An updated online dashboard – coming next year – to help you find and use the data you care about

If a specific “did you know?” or blog post piques your interest and you want to learn more, don’t hesitate to contact us at info@compassidaho.org. The future of the Treasure Valley belongs to you. 

Friday, September 30, 2016

And the winners are…

We asked. You responded. And, boy did you respond!

After over a year of collecting photos and votes, we’re excited to announce the winners of the “Treasure Valley: On the Go!” photo contest.

But first, how did we get here? Let’s take a look at the “Treasure Valley: On the Go!” contest by the numbers… 
  • 14 months
  • 34 photographers
  • 89 COMPASS social media posts (+ countless “shares” and re-posts)
  • 20 email blasts
  • 15,659 flyers distributed to 27 schools
  • 116 photos received
  • 41 finalists
  • 240 votes

 And…drumroll please… 

Scroll down to see all the winning photos – I think you’ll be as impressed as I am. The variety, quality, and creativity of the photos is outstanding! Congratulations to all our winners, and to everyone who entered!

The winning photos will be featured in the 2017 “Treasure Valley: On the Go!” transportation calendar, on the COMPASS website, and across all COMPASS social media channels – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more.

Calendars are FREE and will be available beginning November 2016. Contact ctorkelson@compassidaho.org to reserve your calendar today!

Thank you to all our photographers and everyone who took the time to vote, and, again, CONGRATULATIONS!

Roadway Category:

Balloon Festival by Mike Thueson

Sunrise in the Treasure Valley by Toni Tisdale

Into the Unknown by Kris Cox

Bicycle/Pedestrian Category:

An Afternoon Walk by Mary Huff

Boise River Greenbelt by Jessica Kruger

Hulls Gulch Nature Trail by Jeremy Rigby

Public Transportation Category:

Club Red by Nicole Stern

Zone One by Ken Schick

Kids Boarding by Lanette Daws

Freight Category:

Caldwell Trains by Mark Pemble

Big Mike by Nathan Edwards

Ag Traffic by Greg Kreller

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

“Treasure Valley: On the Go!” We Want Your Vote!

The primaries ended in May, and general election isn’t until November, yet we want your vote now. What’s up with that?

Over the past 12 months, we have asked you to look at, think about, and photograph our local transportation system. It’s been more than a simple exercise in taking photos, but a chance to highlight how we all rely on transportation in our daily lives – from recreational mountain biking to freight supporting our economy.

Your friends, neighbors, and colleagues have been photographing the many aspects of the Treasure Valley’s transportation system and sharing their photos with us through the “Treasure Valley On the Go!” photo contest.

We received 116 photos from 34 photographers from around the valley, showing how they see the Treasure Valley “on the go” in their lives. The photos are creative and diverse – from historic railroad bridges to brand new bikes, from shady paths to snowy roads. The entries truly capture the gamut of transportation options in the Treasure Valley. 

With the help of our Public Participation Workgroup, we narrowed the entries to 41 photos, which are now open for public voting. This is where you come in. We need you to select the winning photos by voting online by 11:59 pm, Tuesday, September 14, 2016. It’s easy – simply click, check out the photos, vote for your favorites, and submit.

The top 12 photos will be used in the 2017 “Treasure Valley On the Go!” calendar – three representing each of the four transportation components that will be included in Communities in Motion 2040 2.0 (bicycle/pedestrian, freight, public transportation, and roadway). Other entries will be used in COMPASS outreach materials, on the COMPASS website, on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and more. Watch for them wherever you see COMPASS materials.

The calendars will be available for free later this fall. Watch for announcements when they are available, then grab yours and enjoy a year of seeing the “Treasure Valley: On the Go!” through the eyes of your neighbors.

Remember to submit your votes by Tuesday, September 14, 2016.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

How do you eat an elephant?

How do you eat an elephant? You know the answer: One bite at a time!

The answer is the same when you ask how we can address the region’s immense transportation needs: One bite at a time!

Most large transportation projects are like the elephant; they can’t be tackled all at once. Even relatively small projects often cost multiple millions of dollars.

Instead, transportation agencies frequently take the wise approach of building or improving transportation facilities in small bites. Eventually, all of those bites will complete the larger project to fill a regional need.

The DRAFT FY2017 – 2021 Regional Transportation Improvement Program, or TIP, now open for public comment, includes one of those “small bite” projects. The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has budgeted about $7.5 million to widen US 20/26 (Chinden Boulevard) between Locust Grove Road and State Highway 55 (Eagle Road) by adding one additional lane in each direction. Construction is currently planned for fiscal year 2021 and is funded through ITD’s Strategic Initiatives Program – a highly competitive statewide funding source designed to fund projects that increase safety, promote mobility, and stimulate economic opportunity.

We know the need doesn’t stop at Locust Grove Road; improvements are needed all the way to Middleton Road in western Canyon County. However, this project constitutes that “first bite” to meet that larger need. The remainder of the improvements are unfunded; US 20/26 from Locust Grove to Middleton Road sits as #3 on the prioritized list of unfunded projects in Communities in Motion 2040. COMPASS and ITD will continue to seek funding to complete improvements along the corridor.

The project along US 20/26 is just one of dozens of transportation projects funded in the DRAFT FY2017 – 2021 TIP. I encourage you to review the TIP while it is open for public comment and share your feedback on the upcoming projects. Are the “right” projects being funded? Do you see other needs that aren’t addressed?

While we can’t fund every need right now, we will continue to take small bites and eventually eat the elephant.

Public comment is open through Monday, September 19, 2016. Visit www.compassidaho.org/prodserv/transimprovement.htm#draft1721 to review materials and submit your feedback.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

TIP Top Ten

Every year about this time, I write to encourage you to comment on the update to the Regional Transportation Improvement Program, or “TIP” – a five-year budget of federally funded and regionally significant transportation projects. Like any budget, it is detailed and can be intimidating.

That said, your feedback is important. I’ve developed my own “Top 10” list of why you should take the time to review and comment on the FY2017 – 2021 TIP, which is open for public comment through September 19, 2016.

10.       The population of Ada and Canyon Counties is expected to increase by over 440,000 people by the year 2040, for a total forecasted population of 1.022 million. That’s a lot more people using our transportation system.

9.         $80.3 billion worth of freight travels on I-84 each year. Transportation is key to our economic growth.

8.         Idaho received a “C-” on its American Society of Civil Engineers infrastructure report card.

7.         The TIP budgets federal transportation funding, but the federal gas tax that supplies most of that funding has not been raised since 1993. Needless to say, that money doesn’t go nearly as far as it did 23 years ago.

6.         Time spent in traffic is time away from your family and business. The time it takes to travel from Caldwell to Boise is forecasted to double by 2040.

5.         The Federal Highway Administration estimates that every $1 spent on road, highway, and bridge improvements results in an average benefit of $5, in the form of reduced vehicle and road maintenance costs, delays, fuel consumption, and emissions, as well as improvements to safety as a result of improved traffic flow.

4.         30% of Idaho’s major roads are in poor condition. Driving on poor roads costs each Idaho motorist an average of $519 per year in extra vehicle repairs and operating costs. The TIP is focused on maintenance to address these issues.

3.         Roadway conditions are a significant factor in approximately one-third of traffic fatalities. One-hundred eight-six people died on Idaho roads (statewide) in 2014.

2.         It’s easier than ever to see how projects in the TIP align with regional goals. With each project description you will see a menu that shows which performance measures are met (from Communities in Motion 2040) that specific project supports.

1.         Projects included in the FY2017 – 2021 are budgeted at over $370 million, but we are still $150 million short of meeting transportation needs, each year, in Ada and Canyon Counties.

Our quality of life is directly tied to the quality of our transportation system. That, combined with a growing population and limited transportation funding, leads to some very tough decisions. Your input is needed to ensure we are making the best investments possible.

Want to learn more?

Link to:

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Who is working to make your future brighter? Nominate them for a Leadership in Motion award!

Think for a moment about what you saw out your window yesterday and what stories you have seen in the news. I’m willing to bet that, like me, much of what you saw, heard, and read had something to do with preparing for our future – road construction, new buildings, discussions of the millennial generation and what changes they will bring, emerging technologies, business expansion, maintaining our quality of life, and more.

At COMPASS, we are always looking to – and planning for – the future of Ada and Canyon Counties. You need look no further than the top of our website to see what we are all about – “working together to plan for the future.”

Our main tool for planning for the future is Communities in Motion – the regional long-range transportation plan for Ada and Canyon Counties. This plan looks 20+ years into the future to plan not only for transportation, but also for those elements that affect, or are affected by, transportation, such as housing, economic development, and health.

However, we certainly aren’t the only ones with an eye toward the future.

Each year, through the COMPASS Leadership in Motion awards, we honor those people and projects who, like us, are planning for the future and implementing Communities in Motion.

To do that, we need your help. For someone to receive an award, they first must be nominated.

Think about what you see happening around you to prepare for the future, then nominate a project, or the person behind the project, to recognize their contributions to a better future for all of us.

I encourage you to look at who was recognized last year and to review the Communities in Motion 2040 goals as you consider who, or what, to nominate.

Anyone may submit a nomination and anything or anyone (other than COMPASS staff) that is implementing the goals of Communities in Motion is eligible to be nominated. Keep in mind that a project does not need to be a “transportation” project to be submitted for a Leadership in Motion award.

Details on award categories, as well as a link to the nomination form, can all be found here.

Nominations for COMPASS Leadership in Motion awards will be accepted through 3:00 pm, Friday, September 30, 2016. Awards will be presented at the COMPASS/Valley Regional Transit holiday luncheon on Monday, December 19, 2016.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Your voice on the COMPASS Board

If you’re reading this blog, chances are you are already somewhat familiar with COMPASS…the Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho. But, did you know you are represented on the COMPASS Board?

Are you scratching your head? Don’t remember voting for COMPASS Board members at the ballot box?

You did vote for them, just not in the way you think.

You – every resident of Ada and Canyon Counties – is represented on the COMPASS Board by at least three elected officials – in most cases, it is more.

COMPASS is a member-based organization. COMPASS members are government agencies in Ada and Canyon Counties, such as cities, the counties themselves, and highway districts. Each member agency has one or more seats on the Board – whenever possible, these seats are occupied by the elected officials, such as mayors, councilmembers, and commissioners. The COMPASS Board of Directors is the COMPASS governing body – the Board makes the decisions that direct what COMPASS does. The COMPASS Board is COMPASS.

You are represented on the COMPASS Board by every member agency jurisdiction you live in. For example, if you live in Middleton, you are represented on the COMPASS Board by the City of Middleton (1 seat), Canyon Highway District (1 seat), and Canyon County (3 seats). On the COMPASS website, you can look to see who our member agencies and Board members are.

So, why does this matter?

First, let’s back up to what COMPASS does. In a nutshell, COMPASS is a regional planning organization. It plans for the future of the Treasure Valley. More specifically, the agency develops the long-range transportation plan for the two-county area and allocates federal transportation funding.

When your local elected officials are making decisions in their role as COMPASS Board members, they are making those decisions with you – their constituents – in mind.

However, it’s not as easy as it sounds. On one hand, they are looking at decisions in light of how it impacts the jurisdiction they represent – your city, county, or highway district. They are considering what is best for “City X” or “County Y.” On the other hand, they are also charged with looking at decisions in light of how those decisions impact the region as a whole. After all, COMPASS is a regional entity – its goal is to plan for the future of the regional as a whole…not just one jurisdiction. As is often said, “a rising tide floats all boats.” By planning regionally, we all benefit.

So, when you think or hear about COMPASS actions, keep in mind that “COMPASS” is not a nebulous faceless entity, nor is it the staff who work here. “COMPASS” is our Board of Directors. Those Board members represent you.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Lessons from the Heartland…

Last month, we were honored to host Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett to present on his city’s successes and challenges using local option sales tax.

It is truly a rags to riches story. Not long ago, Oklahoma City had one of the most depressed economies in the nation. Today, the city’s economy is one of the nation’s most robust.

Oklahoma City has invested nearly $2 billion in schools and quality-of-life infrastructure through the innovative MAPS (Metropolitan Area Projects) program – funded by local option sales tax. That investment generated nearly $6 billion in private sector investment.

Local option sales tax is a means for local citizens to decide if they wanted to tax themselves to pay for a specific project to address a local or regional need. If the citizens approve the tax, it is instituted and the project proceeds. If they don’t, no new tax is instituted and the project does not proceed.

So, what do Oklahoma City’s experiences have to do with us? We’re not Oklahoma City. We have different needs. We have a smaller population base. Local option sales tax isn’t even an option here.

With the exception of the last item (local option isn’t available here), these are actually reasons why local option sales tax IS such a good tool – each community can use it for its needs, based on its own population base. It’s not a “one size fits all” approach. We don’t have to be Oklahoma City for it to work.

But…as I said, local option sales tax is not an option for us at this time. We first need the Idaho legislature to grant that authority to all local governments. Right now, only small resort cities can take advantage of this powerful tool.

The COMPASS Board strongly supports general local option sales tax authority legislation. We invited Mayor Cornett to the Treasure Valley to learn about his city’s program to further that discussion. People ask me if that means we are promoting the Oklahoma City “model” of local option sales tax. The answer is “no.” Others have asked if I think we should we adopt Utah’s model. Again, my answer is “no.” We should create our own “Idaho” model.

Visits like Mayor Cornett’s allow us to learn from what others have done. This is the one advantage we have in being one of the last states to allow local option sales tax – we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. We can see what has worked and what has not. We can learn from other region’s successes and challenges.

Then, we can look at all we’ve learned in light of Idaho’s needs, concerns, and population base, and craft a model that works for Idaho.

It is time to get past arguing over “if” Idaho should allow local option sales tax and instead focus on how an “Idaho model” could function to serve the needs of the citizens of the State of Idaho and the Treasure Valley.

Are you ready to learn more?

 Don’t let the Treasure Valley fall through the cracks.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

It’s all about the people…even when it’s not

We humans are self-centered by nature. Despite our best intentions to the contrary, we tend to care the most about those things that directly impact us.

This is reflected in our transportation planning – efforts typically focus on planning for a transportation system to move people. However, moving people isn’t the only role of our transportation system. Transporting freight – moving goods – is vital as well.

While at first glance freight may not seem to have the personal impact of making an intersection safer or shortening your commute, it is no less relevant to our daily lives. Without freight transportation, the grocery store shelves would be bare and that item you ordered online would never arrive. 

Freight is one of the four transportation components that will be addressed in Communities in Motion 2040 2.0 (CIM 2040 2.0), the next long-range transportation plan for Ada and Canyon Counties. Much has been done already to kick start this effort. I’m excited to share some of this progress with you: 
  • 2015 Agricultural Freight Study: This study provides an overview of regional and local agricultural freight movement in and around Ada and Canyon Counties. In addition to providing valuable data, the study helped COMPASS cultivate relationships with freight producers and increase our understanding of overall freight issues. Both of these will lay the groundwork for future freight planning.
  • Freight data collection: In late 2015, COMPASS collected data on traffic volume and types of vehicles – classified by number of axels – at over 70 locations in the two counties. These data will feed into the freight component of CIM 2040 2.0.
  • Freight Advisory Workgroup: A Freight Advisory Workgroup has been formed to advise and provide input on freight-related issues and needs, and to help integrate freight into our long-range transportation planning. 
  • The Masters of Public Administration Capstone Class at the Boise State University School of Public Service conducted a Treasure Valley Freight Policy Study on behalf of COMPASS to assess the barriers and opportunities concerning freight transportation within the Treasure Valley.

The progress we’ve already made toward freight planning is just one example of the work we’re doing behind the scenes to ensure the Treasure Valley is ready for the future. We’re doing similar work on all four transportation components – bicycle/pedestrian, public transportation, and roadways, in addition to freight.

In future blogs, watch for “snapshots” of each of the four components of CIM 2040 2.0. Want to learn even more? Our 2016 education series will focus on these components as well – plan now to attend! 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

What’s in your camera?

The holidays are over and I’m willing to bet that you have a camera (or phone) full of photos.

As you sort through them, deciding what to keep, consider what pictures you can submit to the Treasure Valley: On the Go! photo contest:
  • Did you snap a shot of the traffic jam of shoppers on Black Friday? Submit it!
  • What about a walk in the snow? Submit it!
  •  A semi hauling Christmas trees? Submit it!
  •  Valley Regional Transit’s “Stuff the Bus” event? Submit it!

Don’t have any holiday pictures to submit? That’s OK.

COMPASS will take submissions for the Treasure Valley: On the Go! photo contest through July 31. You still have plenty of time to take, and submit, that perfect transportation photo – roadways, public transportation, bicycling or walking, or hauling freight.

In August, the public will be invited to vote on their favorites; the winners will be used in a 2017 Treasure Valley: On the Go! photo calendar and in the next regional long-range transportation plan – Communities in Motion 2040 2.0.

I look forward to seeing your photos!

Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho

COMPASS is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization responsible for transportation planning in Ada and Canyon Counties. The COMPASS Board comprises 39 members representing the cities, counties, highway districts, educational institutions, state agencies, and other entities within the two counties. COMPASS plays an important role in making decisions about future long-range transportation needs in the Treasure Valley, taking into consideration environmental and economic factors that affect the quality of life.