You have
probably seen or heard news stories about funding our transportation system –
from concerns over funding for vital regional projects, to the near bankruptcy of the federal highway trust fund,
to debates on transportation funding in the Idaho legislature.
All of this may
leave you wondering, “What does this mean
to me…?”
- Is our transportation system really in dire need of more money? If so, why?
- How much money is needed? What would it be used for?
- What would it cost me?
- How do we pay for our transportation system anyway?
- Are “they” going to raise my gas tax and make me pay more at the pump?
- Is raising the gas tax the only option? Are there other things we can do locally?
- If we raise more transportation dollars, will we get a better bus system? What about more sidewalks and bike paths?
- If we don’t do anything, what will happen? Will it hurt our economy? Will our bridges collapse? Will I be stuck in traffic every day?
COMPASS is going to be addressing all of
these questions, and more, over the next year in an intensive effort to raise
the level of the conversation about transportation funding and what it really
means to all of us.
We have created a new webpage to specifically
address funding issues. In addition, be watching for monthly posts here in my
blog, weekly “Did you Know?” facts on the COMPASS Facebook page,
news articles, education series speakers (January – May 2015), and more, all
addressing the many issues that surround transportation funding.
Take a moment to share your comments,
concerns, or questions regarding transportation funding below (click on the
“comment” button) …let’s make this a true regional “conversation” about this
key issue and how it affects us all.
Don't let the Treasure Valley fall through the cracks.