This is another installment in my
series of blogs about why people care, or should care, about long-range
transportation planning in general and Communities
in Motion in particular.
We have been asking people – private
individuals, members of COMPASS advisory committees, and YOU – this question. I
have committed to sharing those reasons with you each quarter in my blog. This
is my fourth installment.
Why people care about Communities in Motion 2040, as submitted
by you:
- Look at how far off “future-related” fiction has been (think of the book 1984 and the movie Back to the Future II, which takes place in 2015!). We don’t want to rely on fiction – we need to plan for the future of our valley as we want it to be.
- It is like a “to-do” list for the Treasure Valley’s transportation projects.
- Because things like the East Park Center Bridge in Boise, the Karcher Interchange in Nampa, and the Ten-Mile Interchange in Meridian wouldn’t exist without old long-range transportation plans.
- Because we’ll have over a million people in 2040. If we don’t plan, it will be chaos!
share why you think Communities in Motion
2040 is important ― why you care
― email and
we’ll post your ideas here. The next installment will be posted the beginning
of January. Help me out – I need to hear from you to have “reasons” to share
here. Thanks!